Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Take the guilt out of your guilty nap.

Ever taken a guilty nap before?
Wait, what!? You don't know what a guilty nap is!? Allow me to explain.

A guilty nap is when you are painfully aware of the fact that there are many others around you who barrel through their 12+ hour days sans caffiene, naps, or complaints. Where these people got their unwaivering work ethic/ self-discipline remains a mystery to the rest of us.

The rest of us, on the other hand, are the types who, like wee little toddlers, need our naps or else we get cranky and refuse to do homework/speak to people/be anything resembling a contribution to society.

I, for one, can justify my need for naps for this reason alone: I am an introvert. Introverts, for the most part, get drained by too much interaction with people. Some have a higher tolerance than others, but mine, for one, is pretty damn low.

For me, school-related interactions are the dominating life force suckers in all the land of life force suckers, as they often entail a professor at the front of the room boring even themselves with their unlively ramblings. And worse? When the resevoir of boring things to say runs dry, it is then encouraged that the class breaks up into small collaborative groups where one is expected to nod in agreeance and act happy to be there, working ever so nicely with their cutiepies of classmates. Fine for fake optimists, not fine for withdrawn, nap-loving pessimists.

So, today, after only two classes, I came home and sat on my bed. Sitting on my bed turned into lying in my bed, and before I knew it I was clutching my pillow to my face, and drool inevitably began dribbling out of my mouth (in only the classiest of fashions.)

Then I entered a strange, half-asleep mode. I kept thinking things like "Why do I need to sleep after only having two classes? What's wrong with m..." (Drift off, then back into semi-consciousness,) "Oh yeah, it's because I was up ruminating about stupid things until like, 4 a.m...." (Drift off, then back into semi-consciousness,) "Do my roommates know I'm here? They are probably wondering why their bum of a roommate needs a nap when she doesn't even work." (Drift off, then back to semi-consciousness,) "I am an introvert, introverts need naps. Yeah. It's tooootally fine. You just go back to sleep there, trooper." (Drift off, then back to semi-consciousness...)

Then, miraculously, I somehow I woke up refreshed and happy, whereas before my nap the world looked like a bleak, cold (yet quite hot) place. This, friends, is the power of naps. Yes, even a guilty nap can be refreshing once you toss that guilt aside and become proud of that crazy little toddler within!


  1. whenever my parents chastise me for my now-habitual afternoon naptime, i remind them that really, it's america's fault for not jumping on the siesta-bandwagon. just saying, if chicago doesn't work out, we should make grandiose and ultimately unfulfilled plans to move to spain.
