Sunday, October 31, 2010

Me + Parties = Disaster

This is of course a shortened list.

I like parties, but not really. I mean, I don't see the point in making a bunch of small talk with strangers I will most likely never see again, and everyone is inebriated anyway, so one person's slurred words are likely no better than the next person's.

Occasionally though, I see that people around me are seeming to enjoy meeting strangers, so I give it a shot. Usually though, I just come off as desperate and needy since at that point I am determined to have a successful stranger interaction, and the person does not appreciate my antics.

So, my favorite parts about a party have thus become music and inebriated dancing. When there is bad music, I have no qualms about changing it should there be a visible, tangible device for music changing.

Occasionally, this results in people taking away said devices, such as last night when I was using the arrow keys on a keyboard sitting on a speaker to flip through songs. A guy eventually detected there was a serial music changer at his party, and I later found that the keyboard had been taken away and there was now a remote control device of sorts that he kept with him the whole night.

So, in summary, you don't want me at your party unless you enjoy watching someone embarass themselves with copious amounts of dancing and anti-social behaviours.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Taking Your Heart on a Walk: Risky

Sometimes you take your heart on a walk to give it some fresh air. Seems like a nice thing to do for your spends too much time inside, after all.

Sometimes though, it enjoys its freedom a LITTLE too much and gets out of control.

You may then be forced to scold your heart and make it feel bad about itself a little just to get it back on track.

Poor lil' guy. He'll feel better in the morning.

Friday, October 29, 2010

DEB (Da Environmentalist-wannabe, Bustyoassfo'stealin' Co.)

Two funny things about the DEB clothing store: 1.The juxtaposition of flowers on their signs in their dressing rooms with text that basically says " Go ahead and try stealing from us, and we will prosecute the shit out of you." and 2. They have plastic bags that state they are "concerned about the environment," so they encourage you to reuse them at a different store, which absolutely no one does.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Female = A constant state of fucked.

Allow me to demonstrate the unfortunate paradox that occurs when it's that time of the month and we chicks are totally fatigued (largely because of an unfortunate menstruation cycle we were cursed with by the Gods,) and need caffiene so badly just to be able to function properly, ONLY to have caffiene kick us in the ass by worsening what are already some pretty horrid cramps.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sometimes, I go to the movies by myself.

This year, I have seen two movies by myself: First Greenberg, and now The Social Network.

This loser-like ritual started when I saw March of the Penguins in 2006. This is probably when I officially became something of a loner in general, and I suppose when I started wanting to see movies no one else really wanted to see.

Sometimes, though, it can be nice to have the moviegoing experience in complete solitude, without the commentary, sneezes, texting, laughing, crying, or farting from others (although you aren't completely exempt from these simply by going solo--especially if it's a popular movie and some large, loud-breathing man is practically sitting on you.)

Friday, October 1, 2010


I don't know what the answer is for improving education, but this is how I feel while sitting through many of my classes.

(Note: The teacher is apparently levatating)